Time Management Skills Help Develop Effective Studying Habits
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
Time is an important factor in both work and study. Without putting in the adequate amount of time working or studying, it becomes difficult to perform any task successfully. In any learning institution, the importance of creating a seductive study area is at the focal point of every student. Teachers recommend setting aside an adequate amount of study time, and students cannot possibly expect to succeed in their classes, without studying.
The two greatest factors in creating effective studying habits are time management, and self-discipline. Many students lack one or both of these skills. The university is totally different from school. The rules change, and students are required to commit to more studying time, and less playtime. Students success or failures, depends on how much time they are willing to devote to their studies. Therefore, time management skills are a necessity.
The first step to improving study habits is to make the need personal. Take charge of your time, and you decide how to spend it. There are only so many hours in a day, and you have to determine what priorities are the highest. Make study time, one of those high priorities. Here are a few suggestions on how to effectively improve your study skills.
- Start out slow. If you are not accustomed to studying, you could burn yourself out the first time around. Sit around 5 to 15 minutes to read. The more you read, the more you will want to read. This will help you to discipline your mind. Start this pattern before school begins, so when school does start, you will already be prepared.
- Pick a quiet place to study. It is difficult to concentrate in noisy environments. Choose a place that is serene, like the library, a bookstore or a corner café. Turn off the cell phone. They can be a distraction. Try studying with a friend, if that is not possible, try studying alone.
- Sign up for study time. Most learning institutions offer students “Study Hall.” This is a class where students can go and sit and study, for an entire class period. The class is filled with other students with the same problems. There is no talking, goofing off, or horse playing. Everyone in study hall is reading or studying.
- Do not attempt to study if you are tired or bored. This is the worst time to try your hand at studying. If you are already bored, chances are you will become more bored, within the first few minutes of studying. Instead organize your class notes. Learn to develop great note taking skills, if you do not have them already. In fact, this might be the perfect time to make a to do list.
- Create a time slot for studying. Look at studying at being just as important as going to the doctor. Time is set aside for shopping, going to the movies, watching the play at the theatre, or visiting the doctor. Why not give studying the same respect?
- Make flashcards. Be creative. Someone learns differently. If you have a problem focusing on a subject, try making your own flashcards. You can quiz yourself in each class, and review your answers. Study alone, or study with a friend. Make a game out of it. Studying does not have to be a chore. It can be fun, entertaining and exciting.
Take improving your study habits seriously, but not to the point where you are overwhelmed. After all, there is only so much studying you can accomplish in one day. Do not overload your mind, with more information than it can handle. Remember; even a computer crashes when it’s fed too much information.
Mental exhaustion can occur, when you study too much. Your brain can only handle so much reading, before it completely slows down. Write down everything you remember reading. These are your personal class notes. Now try studying from the notes, and gradually move up to reading a page, and then two. Eventually, you will be able to read an entire chapter, without realizing it.
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