What Students Can Expect From a Quality College
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
College policies are straightforward and uncompromising. Administrators and faculty members have no problems stipulating their expectations from students. In the same regards, students should be just as critical when it comes to choosing the best educational institution.
What do students want from their college is not the question to ask, but rather what can students expect from a quality college. All college standards are not the same. There are certain qualities in a college, that makes it the best or the worse college to attend. Students ask themselves a lot of questions, when they are earnestly looking to attend college for the first time.
The first choice may not be the best choice, if little research is conducted, before making the final decision. Here are some qualities that students should expect from a grade “A” college, with high standards, and high student achievements and expectations.
Look at the Overall Picture and Not Student Population
- First impressions are lasting impressions. Don’t be intimidated by the size of the college. Small colleges may have more to offer academically and socially.
- Small colleges offer students more academic benefits and diversity. Class rooms are not as crowded, which means more teacher student interaction. Smaller colleges focus more on learning, building relationships and student success.
- Larger colleges offer students additional activities than smaller colleges, such as more course choices, precise academic lectures and research classes, but less personal attention. With so many students in the classroom, teachers might not be able to provide much one on one instruction. Deadlines for projects are most likely due in shorter time frames.
- Academically speaking colleges should be challenging. Students should choose their college wisely. After all, students such pick their colleges, just as colleges pick their students. Priority in academic and curriculum experiences provide structured learning, in an environment that is conducive to learning.
Qualities Students Should Look For in Their College of Choice
- Learning resources. Successful colleges with high student achievements and expectations have several learning programs in place. This includes reading, writing and math labs, computers, computer aided programs, books, audio and video tapes, the internet and film media. This is the place where students can get extra help on hard to understand subjects.
- Diversity of courses and degree programs. Variety of courses and choice of program degrees adds excitement and challenges to “would be boring” classes. Even the choice of attendance should be made available, for students who can learn better from a distance degree program. Many colleges if not all, are offering several ways to earn a degree; in class, online or hybrid.
- Counseling and mentoring from academic counselors. Not every student that attends college knows what area of study they want to pursue. Guidance or career counselors are excellent at helping students find the right career path. Most colleges make it a requirement for students to speak with a career counselor, before enrolling in any classes. Some students might be required to take a placement test or career compatibility test as part of their enrollment process.
- Writing lab and research center. These two learning tools can go hand in hand. Most colleges offer these two learning centers as credited courses. Which means that students can gain or advance in their writing skills, while refining their research technique. Students can expect to do 2 to 3 times more writing and researching in college, than they did in high school.
- Remedial learning opportunities offers unique learning options for students who need to brush up on one or both of these skills. Students, who are just graduating high school, might not need a refresher course, but for those who have been out of circulation for while, a remedial or a refresher course could prove to be helpful.
- Financial aid, scholarships, student loans, and grant options are offered at all colleges. Students should have choices available to them, as to how they want to pay for their education. Students whose parents cannot afford to pay for their classes should have financial aid options available to them, prior to attending college.
What students can expect from a quality college:
- Challenging academics
- Diverse classes
- Accessible teachers
- Structured classrooms
- State of the art media and learning centers
- Friendly and family like environment
- Affordable payment options
- Diversity of career degrees
- Remedial courses
The quality of the college students choose depends on what students are looking for academically. While some students want classes that challenge them, most students want classes which are not too stressful or overly demanding.
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