Why Hands-on Assignments Are More Effective
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
Hands-on learning is one of the most effective ways for students to learn. People learn in a variety of ways. Some people are able to sit down, read something, and fully understand it. Other people need to be immersed in the topic in as many ways as possible, using as many senses as possible. Most people learn more effectively when they can grasp the subject in numerous ways. When choosing a place to learn or how to learn, hands-on learning is simply one of the best opportunities possible for nearly all students because it fully immerses the student in the subject.
Understanding Learning Styles
There are many ways to teach a topic. People, though, do not all learn in the same manner. Intelligence has little to do with learning methods; you are not smarter if you learn in one manner or the next. However, by finding the right style of learning for your needs, it’s likely that learning will become easier and more effective. In short, people learn in the following ways:
*Some people are visual learners, picking up topics by seeing the information or subject.
*Some people are verbal learners, able to understand just from learning about the topic through lectures.
*Other people are logical. They are able to figure out the details without needing a lot of material.
*Some people learn in a physical manner. These individuals benefit the most from seeing something demonstrated.
Learning systems matter because they help people to know what type of scenario is right for their specific needs. Ultimately, though, getting into a situation that allows you to have the best access to the learning method best suited for you, ensures you’ll learn at a higher level.
What Is Hands-on Learning?
Most people benefit from hands-on learning methods. These methods allow an individual to be immersed in a topic. For example, if an individual wishes to become a nurse, enrolling in a program that is only “book learning” where most of the information is communicated in text form, that individual will miss out on the practical components of the field. Rather, being put in a hands-on learning environment ensures the individual has access to a more in-depth understanding of his or her field. In a hands-on learning environment, the nursing student learns the materials in-depth, learning from textbooks, lectures, practical, lab work, and much more.
This type of learning environment works for virtually all fields. It is very helpful for those people who want to learn a specific trade. It can also help individuals who are interested in business, medicine, engineering, automotive, and numerous other fields. In fact, nearly any field can benefit from this learning method.
What Are the Benefits of Hands-on Learning?
There are numerous benefits to learning in this way. Consider the key benefits to a hands-on learning approach:
*Individuals retain more information through this type of program. Students who learn like this are shown to retain three or more times the information than learning in a traditional lecture environment. Retaining this type of information is critically important in nearly all fields.
*It allows for individuals to access the materials, resources, and methods used within a real-world experience. The student is able to learn using the same equipment, methods, practices, procedures, and software that they will use on the job. This ensures the student is given a better chance to do well on the job.
*In most areas of this educational method, instructors work with students closely. The student often benefits because he or she has an instructor that is right there to ask questions to and to learn from. This improves the quality of learning that the student gets. It can make learning much more effective.
*Improved depth of knowledge occurs as well. Students learning in a hands-on environment are more likely to come across mistakes, problems, and situations that they will have on the job as well. This allows the student to learn at an incredible level.
To obtain this level of education, students need to consider schools that provide it. The most accessible method of obtaining this type of education is within the community college. It provides an avenue for students to learn in working environments. Students are able to enroll in specific programs they are interested in and get this depth of knowledge close to home. Community colleges allow students to obtain hands-on learning in an effective, easy to access learning environment. This is an essential component to doing well within their career field.
Hands-on learning works well for any area of study. With it being available at most community colleges, it provides a clear opportunity for students to excel.
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