Varsity Staff Luncheon
Staff members meet for a luncheon hosted by the University at El-Qawzi Restaurant in the presence of Dr Ahmed Saif Muharram (CBT), Prof. Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor) and Mr Ali El-Thayfani (Secretary-General). The banquet was organized for the University’s staff in recognition of their achievements and dedication to work as well as to encourage them
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Honor Certificate to AL-Amal Microfinance Bank
An honor certificate was presented by Al-Nasser University to Al-Amal Microfinance Bank last Wednesday for participating in students’ practical training. Presented by Dr. Muhammed El-Kuhali (FAFS Dean) at the Bank’s head office, the certificate was received by Mr. Muhammed Ali Attiah (Director of Training and Technical Support at the Bank). Dr. El-Kuhali appreciated the Bank’s
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FAFS Hosts TIIB’s Compliance Director
A seminar was organized by Faculty of Administrative and Financial Studies for students of Banking and Financial Studies. Mr. Mua’th Qassim, Director of Compliance Department at Tadhamon International Islamic Bank, was hosted as the key speaker in the seminar. Mr Qassim discussed with senior students certain topics related to money laundering control whereupon he clarified
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FAFS Dean Honors Ideal Student
As part of the University’s commitment to encouraging brilliant students, the Dean of Faculty of Administrative and Financial Studies, Dr. Muhammed El-Kuhali, has honored Abdulwahab Abdullah Hizam with the “Ideal Student” title. The representative of Third-level students participated in the honoring ceremony on behalf of his classmates. Abdulwahab deserved the title due to his hardworking
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FMS Students Visit Yemen Egyptian Pharma Co Ltd
The FMS students have been taken in a number of scientific visits organized by The Research and Training Office at Faculty of Medical Sciences to Yemen-Egyptian Pharma Co. Ltd At the visits, the students were introduced to the specific systems followed in each of the Company’s section. Thereafter, the students, accompanied by some of the
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Al-Nasser Organizes Charity Event for Cancer Patients
Organized by Laboratory Dept in conjunction with National Center for Tumor Therapy & National Foundation for Cancer Control, a cancer awareness-raising event took place along with a charity bazaar in support of cancer patients that had as its slogan “Lets replace the painful tear with a hopeful smile.” Opening with the national anthem and Quran
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Intensive Course for Students of English
A 50-hour intensive English course started last Sat at Department of English, Al-Nasser University. Targeting Third- and Fourth-level students, the course is a composite one that would help students—the would-be graduates in particular—refresh their basic as well as advanced language skills. Delivering the opening speech, Dr. Munir Al-Aghberi (Head of English Department), stressed the importance
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FAS Students Visit Global Pharmaceutical Co.
Accounting students have been taken in a scientific visit to Global Pharmaceutical Industries, Sana’a. The visit was organized by Faculty of Administrative Studies to help students practise their theoretical learning. Accompanied by Dr. Majeed El-Akhali (the instructor of Accounting Information Systems), the students were received by Ms. Sunia El-Hamami (Director of Training), Ameen El-Huthayfi, (Secretary
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Chancellor Inspects Second Semester’s Progress
The Chancellor, Prof Abdullah Tahish, has conducted a visit to Faculty of Medical Sciences where he could inspect the progress of the 2015/2016 second semester. Prof. Tahish checked over the FMS’ semester plan; namely: the contact with the teaching cadre, sticking to the timetables of theoretical and practical classes, and the plans of field training
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Agreement Signed with SALEKON & Smart Microsystems
An agreement was signed last Sunday between the University on the one hand and SALEKON Organization and Smart Microsystems for Communication Technology on the other. The agreement provides for the “My University” e-service which aims to develop the academic, interactive education. “My University” e-service is supposed to create modern channels of communication between the University
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First Semester Accomplished
The final exams of 2015/2016 first-semester have been finished last week at the University’s various colleges: Faculty of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering & Computer Studies, Faculty of Administrative Studies, and Faculty of Humanities. The University’s administrative board availed itself of the occasion to congratulate students, staff, and faculty members for their undeniable and commendable
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Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Studies to be published by Al-Nasser
In conjunction with Arab Association for Environmental Studies, Al-Nasser University has had the endorsement to publish the Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Studies. This is an international refereed journal which was previously published by Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils (FASRC) that is located in Khartoum and affiliated to the Arab League. In its
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وقفة تضامنية لمنتسبي جامعة الناصر مع فلسطين تحت شعار “مع غزة جهادنا متصاعد حتى يتوقف العدوان ويرفع الحصار”
صنعاء – الاثنين 20 رجب 1446هـ (20 يناير 2...طلبة الترجمة بجامعة الناصر يشاركون في الورش التدريبية التي يقيمها مركز الترجمة وتعليم اللغات بجامعة صنعاء لتأهيلهم لسوق العمل
قام طلبة الترجمة بجامعة الناصر،بزيارة ميدانية إ...نزول ميداني لمتابعة وتقييم برامج الدراسات العليا بجامعة الناصر
الاحد ١٩ رجب ١٤٤٦ هجرية الموافق ١٩ يناير ٢٠٢٥م ...منتخب جــامعة الناصر يحقق فوزاً ساحقاً على منتخب جامعة الامارتية 4-2 في بطولة كرة القدم للجامعات اليمنية
ضمن منافسات بطولة طوfـان الأqــصى لكرة القدم لل...إستمرار دورات ”طوفان الأقصى” لطلاب جامعة الناصر السبت, 18 يناير 2025م
إستمرار تنفيذ دورات طوفان الأقصى لطلاب جامعة ال...