Prof. Abdullah Tahish (the Rector), along with Dr. Abdulkareem El-Zumor (FMS Dean) and Mr. Ahmed Mahoob (Director of Research and Training at FMS), inaugurated the third scholarly week during which Pharmacology students were let to defend their graduation research projects. The viva sessions were organized by Department of Research and Training between November 5, and

Deans Inspect Class Progress

Thursday, 05 November 2015

Deans conducted inspecting visits to class halls and labs where they were received by heads of departments and faculty. In his visit to FMS class halls and labs escorted by Dr Yasser El-Madhaji (Head of Pharmacology), Dr Abdulkareem El-Zumor, the Dean, confirmed that the entire administrative staff along with the University’s facilities should be prepared

As part of the institutional restructuring project, a seminar entitled “Operational Plan Preparation” was organized by the University last Saturday, October 10, 2015. At the outset, Trainer Abdulmalik Mulhi made a detailed presentation on the mechanism of preparing operational plans. Participants enriched the seminar with many points all of which emphasized the importance of planning

FMS Honors Ideal Employee

Sunday, 18 October 2015

An Ideal Employee honouring ceremony has been organized by Faculty of Medical Sciences on Thursday 10/15/2015. In the presence of Dr Ahmed Saif Muharram (CBT), Prof Abdullah Tahish (the Rector), Mr Ali El-Thayfani (Secretary General), and Dr Abdulkareem El-Zumor (FMS Dean), the event opened with Quran recitation and the National Anthem. In his address, Dr

Fifth Consultative Meeting Held

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Chaired by the Rector, the University’s Fifth Consultative Meeting was held in the presence of Dr Ahmed Saif Muharram (CBT), Deans of Colleges, Heads of Departments, and Director of Student Affairs. A number of topics were tackled at the meeting, namely starting the new academic year 2015/2016 on Sunday November 1, 2015 in case the situation goes on normally.

Rector Inspects Exam Progress

Sunday, 06 September 2015

Prof AbduIlah Tahish, the Rector, had a visit to Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Faculty of Humanities where he inspected the progress of 2014/2015 second-semester exam. He was escorted throughout the visit by Dr Muhammed El-Kuhali,  Dean of FAS. The Rector stressed the importance of fortitude as a means to overcome the present difficult and

Training Sessions for Students and Staff

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Two training sessions on “Working under Stress” have been organized by Al-Nasser University in conjunction with SAELKON. In the first session targeting over 25 staff member, Trainer Abdullah El-Sha’rani tackled the methods of dealing with and adapting to stress. He, furthermore, discussed the characteristics, dimensions, as well as impact of stress on the collective performance

Nursery Students Visit UST Hospital

Sunday, 23 August 2015

A scientific visit has been conducted to the Hospital of University of Science and Technology by Nursery First-level students. The visit was organized by Department of Research and Training in conjunction with the Nursery Department. Dr. Ahmed Mahoub, Head of Nursery Department, guided the students throughout the visit that was meant to expose them to the Hospital’s various

The fifth issue of Al-Nasser scientific journal (a refereed biannual journal issued by Al-Nasser University) has been recently released. The journal’s current issue had to be published in two volumes due to the large number of the papers included: eleven papers in the first volume and twelve in the second. The participant papers  coming from

The Chairperson and members of the Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance Council at Ministry of Higher Education have conducted a visit to Al-Nasser University where they were received by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees along with the Rector. The Council’s visit took place as part of a program to inspect and ensure the quality standards

Prof.  Abdullah Tahish, the Rector, conducted a visit to Faculty of Medical Sciences where he had a look at many class halls and labs so as to inspect the progress of the educational process. The Rector was escorted throughout his visit by Dr. Abdulkareem El-Zumor, the Dean; Dr. Yasir El-Madhaji, Head of Pharmacology Dept; and

Chaired by Dr Abdullah Tahish (the Rector), the University Council held its third consultative meeting in the presence of Dr Ahmed Saif Muharram (the CBT), deans of faculties, and heads of departments. A number of issues were on the meeting’s agenda, mainly extending the suspension of study until further notice due to the prolonged unstable