Open Day by Language Students
Students of Language and Journalism departments organized an open day function at Humanities College in celebration of the fourth issue release of Language Magazine. Journalism students along with their Language peers announced that Vision Magazine would be issued next week by Humanities College. Attendees at the event included: Mr. Ali El-thayfani, Secertary-General, Dr. Iman El-Mahdi,
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Fourth Edition of Al-Nasser Journal
The fourth edition (July-December 2014) of Al-Nasser refereed Journal has been released comprising a number of valuable studies in social and natural sciences. According to Dr. Mohamed Shawqy, the Journal’s Editor, the present issue features a variety of peer-reviewed papers by Yemeni and international brilliant researchers. He confirmed that the submitted papers are published based
Al-Nasser Students Donate blood to Thalassemia Patients
As part of the blood donation campaign, the students donated blood to thalassemia patients at El-Jumhori Hospital, Sana’a. The donation campaign was launched last week by the University in association with National Foundation for Thalassemia Patients in the presence of the CBT, the Rector, the Dean of FMS and representatives of public and private hospitals.
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Charity Plate for Cancer Patients
A charity plate donation for cancer patients has been organised by students of Humanities at the college’s premises. The event was part of Al-Nasser students’ contribution to the National Cancer Control Campaign launched by the National Foundation for Cancer Control on Jan. 1, 2015. The students gave a data-show presentation on the distress of the
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University Launched Thalassemia-Patient Blood Donation Campaign
The “blood donation for thalassemia patients” campaign has been launched by Al-Nasser University in association with Youth Vision Initiative, Sana’a. Participants in the campaign include: National Foundation for Leukemia Control, Center for Cancer Blood Transfusion and Research, Thalassemia Association, and the Board of 48 Hospital. Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharram, the CBT, stated that the campaign
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Dr. Ibtisam El-Mo’ayad in Infective Disease Conference
The Head of Laboratory Dept at FMS, Dr. Ibtisam El-Mo’ayad, has participated in the International Conference on “Infective Diseases” organized by University of Science and Technology Hospital. The conference was held to discuss the cutting-edge knowledge on infective diseases and infection control, to introduce the clinical use of antibiotics “Sptimized, HG,” and to benefit from
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Blanket and Cloth Aid Delivered to the Needy
The University distributed on Monday 21-12-2014 a quantity of charity blankets and clothes to the needy at Mathbah area, Sana’a. This comes as a continuation of the “Pity, to Be Pitied” campaign initiated by Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FAS) and carried out by the University’s different colleges, faculty members, staff and students in association with
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Workshop on Clinical Specimen Management at FMS
A workshop on the management of clinical specimens has been organized at Faculty of Medical Sciences. Conducted in association with American Microbiological Association (AMA), the workshop aimed to give Medical Science students as well as faculty members the necessary training on how to collect, handle, and store the microbiological specimens. Two lectures were delivered during
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University Honors Ranking Graduates and Gives Welcome-party to Freshers
In a celebration that was organized last Thursday, the University honored the ranking graduates of its different departments and gave a welcome party to the fresher students. Both Dr. Ahmed Saif, CBT, and Dr. Said Elaghalibi, the Rector, attended the event. In his address, the Rector confirmed how such a celebration reflected the extent to
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Cooperation Agreement between University and Yemen Marketing Association (YMA)
An agreement has been signed by the University with Yemen Marketing Association whereby two scholarships in Administrative Sciences are to be granted annually by the University to YMA. The criteria and procedures of the granted scholarships, however, have to be further discussed in a separate agreement. The agreement was signed by Dr. Said Elghalibi, the
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Public Health Students Visit Sewage Treatment Plant
Public Health students have had a scientific visit organized by the University to the Sewage Treatment Plant located at Alrahabah, Sana’a. On arrival, students were welcomed by the Plant’s Manager, Mr. Farouq Elqadasi, along with the plant’s technician staff. The visit is part of the training program implemented by the University. It, furthermore, represents the
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Quarterly Paper by Department of Journalism
Dr. Mohammed Shawqee, Dean of Humanities College, held a meeting at the College’s Library with representatives from 1st and 2nd levels of Department of Journalism. The meeting was devoted to issues concerning Journalism students. The meeting discussed the progress in theoretical classes and the extent to which students feel satisfied with the educational process. Dr.
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وقفة تضامنية لمنتسبي جامعة الناصر مع فلسطين تحت شعار “مع غزة جهادنا متصاعد حتى يتوقف العدوان ويرفع الحصار”
صنعاء – الاثنين 20 رجب 1446هـ (20 يناير 2...طلبة الترجمة بجامعة الناصر يشاركون في الورش التدريبية التي يقيمها مركز الترجمة وتعليم اللغات بجامعة صنعاء لتأهيلهم لسوق العمل
قام طلبة الترجمة بجامعة الناصر،بزيارة ميدانية إ...نزول ميداني لمتابعة وتقييم برامج الدراسات العليا بجامعة الناصر
الاحد ١٩ رجب ١٤٤٦ هجرية الموافق ١٩ يناير ٢٠٢٥م ...منتخب جــامعة الناصر يحقق فوزاً ساحقاً على منتخب جامعة الامارتية 4-2 في بطولة كرة القدم للجامعات اليمنية
ضمن منافسات بطولة طوfـان الأqــصى لكرة القدم لل...إستمرار دورات ”طوفان الأقصى” لطلاب جامعة الناصر السبت, 18 يناير 2025م
إستمرار تنفيذ دورات طوفان الأقصى لطلاب جامعة ال...