CBT and Chancellor meet Saudi Cultural Attaché – Sana’a
An official visit to the Cultural Attaché’s Office of the Saudi Embassy – Sana’a has been made by both Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharam, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Prof. Said Alghalebi, the Chancellor. There, they have been received by Prof. Ali Ben Hassan Alsameeli. Such a visit meant to enhance the mutual cooperation
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One-day Tour for University’s Women Cadre
The University Personnel Department has conducted a one-day tour for the University’s women employees to Jaref Valley Resort on March 1, 2014. The tour was full of entertainments, cultural activities and sightseeing. The above-mentioned tour takes place under the University’s strategic program that aims to improve the staff’s working environment. Employees must regularly get an
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Staff Went on a Tour to Jaref Valley
Activating its social entertainment program towards the end of the First Semester, the Personnel Department conducted a tour for the University’s academic and administrative staff to Jaref Valley Resort on February 24, 2014. The social entertainment program, within which the tour was organized, aims at engaging the staff in the University’s various activities. Such a
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Chancellor Inspects Exams’ Progress
Professor Said Alghalebi, the University Chancellor, has paid a visit to the campus of Medical Science and Engineering colleges where he closely inspected how the final exams of First Semester 2013\2014 were conducted according to the assigned academic schedule. The chancellor went through models of the question papers and checked over the exams’ progress. He
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CBT Attends Introductory Workshop of World Bank Grant-Holders
Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharam, Chaiman of the Board of Trustees, has attended the introductory workshop organized on Feb. 10, 2014 by the World Bank for grant-holder institutions at Albustan Hotel, Sana’a. The project’s overviews, its objectives, past achievements as well as future scope were discussed in details by Dr. Abdullah Nashir, a project consultant. Project
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Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research offers three three scholarships for students
Within his speech, which cast them in concert announced brother and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Eng. Hisham Sharaf granting three seats for postgraduate studies abroad for early graduates who are nominated and selected by the university in a medical specialty – Pharmacy – Labs – Health community . The Minister expressed his
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Al-Nasser University celebrated the graduation of 566 students
In a festive atmosphere, majestic Al-Nasser University celebrated the graduation on Saturday 01/02/2014 constellation of graduates for the years from 2011 to 2013 in the disciplines of ” pharmacy, laboratories , and health of the community ” under the banner of ( building a new Yemen ) . At the ceremony, Minister of Higher Education
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Pharmacology students visits the local ” Plant Medicines ”
The Al-Nasser University arranging scientific visit to pharmacy students to the global pharmaceutical factory where they were introduced to the pharmaceutical and quality control of this visit was part of a plan management research and training university , which pays great attention to the training field and considers it integral to the theoretical framework in which
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Al-Nasser University won grant a development
Al-Nasser University won grant a development within the program “Wathbah” Agency’s Small Enterprise Development smeps and funded by the World Bank , the project aims to improve the performance of the private sector in Yemen through providing grants plans to develop the facilities and facilitate training opportunities (within the facilities) to the number of 400 Student graduates
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workshop on system quality and academic accreditation
The presence of both the Chairman of the Board of Trustees , Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharram and Prof. Said Al Ghalibi Rector and Professor Ali Aldavani Secretary-General and members of the faculty and directors of departments and deans and department heads held today a meeting at the of Al-Nasser University workshop on system quality and academic
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Al-Nasser University distributed winter clothes and food to poor families in the neighborhood Alsonainah
Within the project of “Reach Out” by Al-Nasser University to buy food aid and winter clothes to poor families, the administration of student activities and the distribution of winter clothing and food to poor families in the neighborhood Alsinainah.
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Faculty of Medical Sciences launches vaccination campaign students and staff and their families against hepatitis B
Inaugurated Al-Nasser University – Faculty of Medical Sciences – Department of Community Health and in collaboration with EPI Sana’a on Monday, 30.12.2013 AD immunization campaign, students and staff of Al-Nasser University and their families against hepatitis B for the period from 30/12/2013 till 2 / 1/2014 m in the interest of the university to serve the
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وقفة تضامنية لمنتسبي جامعة الناصر مع فلسطين تحت شعار “مع غزة جهادنا متصاعد حتى يتوقف العدوان ويرفع الحصار”
صنعاء – الاثنين 20 رجب 1446هـ (20 يناير 2...طلبة الترجمة بجامعة الناصر يشاركون في الورش التدريبية التي يقيمها مركز الترجمة وتعليم اللغات بجامعة صنعاء لتأهيلهم لسوق العمل
قام طلبة الترجمة بجامعة الناصر،بزيارة ميدانية إ...نزول ميداني لمتابعة وتقييم برامج الدراسات العليا بجامعة الناصر
الاحد ١٩ رجب ١٤٤٦ هجرية الموافق ١٩ يناير ٢٠٢٥م ...منتخب جــامعة الناصر يحقق فوزاً ساحقاً على منتخب جامعة الامارتية 4-2 في بطولة كرة القدم للجامعات اليمنية
ضمن منافسات بطولة طوfـان الأqــصى لكرة القدم لل...إستمرار دورات ”طوفان الأقصى” لطلاب جامعة الناصر السبت, 18 يناير 2025م
إستمرار تنفيذ دورات طوفان الأقصى لطلاب جامعة ال...