CBT and Chancellor meet Saudi Cultural Attaché – Sana’a
Monday, 10 March 2014
An official visit to the Cultural Attaché’s Office of the Saudi Embassy – Sana’a has been made by both Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharam, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Prof. Said Alghalebi, the Chancellor. There, they have been received by Prof. Ali Ben Hassan Alsameeli. Such a visit meant to enhance the mutual cooperation between the University and the institutions concerned with the development of education.
The meeting discussed the aspects of the educational cooperation between the University and the Cultural Office of the Saudi Embassy. Both CBT and Chancellor highly appreciated the efforts done by the Cultural Attaché to maintain the cooperative relationship and to facilitate the students’ transactions.
At the meeting, the shield-souvenirs of the University and the Cultural Attaché’s Office were exchanged.
The meeting was besides attended on the University’s part by Dr. Abdulkareem Alzumor, Dean of Medical Science College and Mr. Naif Alhassani, Director of Public Relations Dept.
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