Ninth Issue of Al-Nasser Journal Released
The ninth issue of Al-Nasser Journal has been published. This is a refereed scientific journal issued biannually by Al-Nasser University. The journal is meant to publish the scholarly studies in both natural and social sciences.
The current issue comprises 14 academic papers as follows:
- The Educational Challenges of Globalization
- The Effects of Meaningful Learning on Improving Mathematical Education: Yemeni Secondary School as a Case Study
- The Contextual Appropriateness of Simile Imagery in the Holy Quran
- Economic Cooperation among the Nile’s Eastern Basin States
- Availability of Teaching Quality Standards with Faculty Members at Faculty of Education, Sana’a University as Viewed by their Students
- Educational & Missionary Ideology of Isma’ilism in Yemen
- Confrontation of International Terrorism in the Light of Yemeni Legislation
- The Effects of Applying Mathematical Modelling to Algebra Teaching on Seventh-standard Students’ Educational Inclination toward Mathematics
- Human Trafficking: Facts, Scope, and Motivations.
- Efficiency of Language Skill Development Complexes with First-level Students at Faculty of Educatation, Hajjah University
- Paradox in El-Jahidh’s Treatise on Squaring & Rounding
- Availability of E-Curriculum Designing Skills with Faculty Members at Hajjah University
- Impact of Globalization on the Yemeni Family’s Role in Social Upbringing as Viewed by Parents
- Penalty of ………………………………….
In a statement, Dr. Mohammed Shawqi, the Journal’s Editor, highlighted the fact that the journal has been issued regularly throughout the last five years. According to him, the Journal comes to implement Al-Nasser University’s mission of enriching the various fields of knowledge with valuable studies that adhere to the scientific methodology.
Interested researchers can browse and download the current as well as the previous issues of the Journal by visiting its e-archive:
For further details and enquiries, contact the Editor:
Landline: +967-1-536307
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