Party in Honor of FAS Sophomore Top-rankers

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

The FAS second-level students have given a party in honor of their top-ranking classmates at the Grand Hall, Faculty of Administrative Sciences.  The party was organized by the first-group students to celebrate the excellence of Shihab Abdussalam El-Mathhaji who ranked first and Sarah Abdullatif ranking fifth. The party was a surprise to both students who were invited to the hall unaware of the preparations.

Dr Mohammed El-Kuhali, the Dean, addressed the FAS students who attended the event. He thanked the faculty members and students for the brilliance achieved in the first semester in which classes were done, syllabus covered, exams conducted, and results announced on schedule.

The Dean expressed his sense of happiness with the fellow feelings among the college’s students whom he invited to keep up such values as fair competition, fraternity, and cooperation. He hoped that the second semester would be far better.

Attendees at the event included Mr. Ali El-Thayfani, Secretary General; Dr Mohammed El-Kuhali, the Dean; Dr Abdulwakeel El-Qassimi, the Teacher of English; and a large number of students.

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