Pharmacology Students Visit Pharmaceutical Factories
Pharmacology senior students have been taken in a scientific visit to Global Pharma and Pharmaceutical Industries. The visit was organized by Department of Research and Training at Faculty of Medical Sciences.
The visit took place as part of a program implemented to expose students to the techniques and phases of pharmaceutical industry. It also came to confirm the good reputation that FMS enjoys as one of the best national colleges with practical-oriented learning.
During the visit, the students got briefed by Miss Sonia of Training Dept on the factory’s various sections. She talked about R & D Dept where the pharmaceutical products are studied and developed. As soon as a drug is approved, it is sent to Quality Control Dept to be benchmarked against international pharmaceutical standards.
The students moved thereafter along with their guide, Dr Ahmed Mahoob—Director of R & D at FMS—to the Production Line Section where a drug undergoes many stages till it gets ready for marketing. In addition to the entire production process, the students got acquainted with the medicines newly-added to the factory’s manufactured brands.
Divided into groups, the students were then taken to Quality Control Dept where they learnt how medicines are benchmarked against the pharmaceutical quality standards accredited by WHO and Yemeni Government as well.
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