Pharmacology Students Visit Shifaco Pharmaceutical Co.
Pharmacology Senior (evening class) students and Junior and Final-year (morning class) students have been taken in a scientific visit to Shifaco Pharmaceutical Company. The visit was organized by Department of Research and Training at Faculty of Medical Sciences and meant to expose students to a broad spectrum of medicines that the company produces.
During the visit, the students got acquainted with the factory’s various departments, the first of which was Quality Control Dept that encompasses Final Product, Raw Material, and Stability Study sections.
The students got briefed on the modus operandi of the factory’s various departments as well as the devices used for chemical and physical analysis prior to and during drug production.
The students moved thereafter to the Production Section where they got familiar with the raw material bunkers, storing methods, and the reception and delivery process. At the Tablet Section, the students had a look at the production machinery, and the production line that the section shares with the Ointment, Suppository, Syrup, Packaging, and Quarantine sections.
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