Pharmacy 4th Level Students Visit Biopharma
A field visit for 4th level students was organized by Pharmacy Department at Faculty of Medical Sciences to the headquarter of Biopharma Pharmaceutical Factory on Thurs, 17 March 2022.
The students were received by Dr. Abdulmalik Elmotawakel, the Manager, Dr. Fuad Edduba’I of Quality Assurance Office, and a number of specialists and technicians in the factory. The students were taken in a tour around the different sections of the factory. They were also introduced to the work mechanism of each section including: production, pre-production room, liquid and semi-solid material preparation zone, tablet zone, granulation zone, blending zone, tablet compression zone, tablet coating zone, filling zone, powder and capsule preparation zone, environmental monitoring lab, capsule filling zone, powder grinding and blending zone, capsule packaging zone, filling and packaging zones, powder packaging room, tablet packaging room, filling and packaging of liquid and semi-solid cosmetics, and R & D and quality control labs.
The visit is part of Pharmacy Department’s training program for the 2nd semester, 2021/2022, which intends to develop the students’ professional skills and enhance their practical experience in specialty.
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