Pharmacy Students Organize Charity Bazaar for Renal Failure Patients
A charity bazaar has been organized on Monday by Pharmacy Sophomore students to relieve renal failure patients. Carried out in coordination with the philanthropic Initiative of “Iradah Shababiah” (Youth Willpower), the bazaar was intended to cast the light on such a category of patients and to convey their message to the public.
In fact, the above-mentioned bazaar takes place after a visit conducted by the Pharmacy students along with Iradah Shababiah’s members to Althawrah Public Hospital- Sana’a. After collecting statistic data about the renal failure patients and their needs, the volunteers started a donation campaign collecting aids from tradesmen, societies, and pharmaceutical companies. According to Osamah Haji, a representative of Iradah Shababiah Initiative, the campaign will extend to several days. “After this field survey,” Haji maintained, “we will do our best in conjunction with Al-Nasser students to find funding sources that would help us purchase the medicines and other necessities to be regularly handed over to patients.”
وقفة تضامنية لمنتسبي جامعة الناصر مع فلسطين تحت شعار “مع غزة جهادنا متصاعد حتى يتوقف العدوان ويرفع الحصار”
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