Prime Minister Inaugurates Productive Pharmacist Exhibition at Al-Nasser University
The ‘Productive Pharmacist Exhibition’ was inaugurated on Tues, 28 Sep 2021, by Prime Minister Abdulaziz Salih Ben Habtour. Organized by Pharmacy Department at Faculty of Medical Sciences, Al-Nasser University, the Exhibition takes place in conjunction with the World Pharmacist Day while its proceeds go to supporting the cancer and thalassemia patients.
The event was held in the presence of Mr. Hussein Hazeb (Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research), Prof Ali Sharaf-Eddeen (Vice Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research), Dr. Ghaleb Elqanes (Deputy Minister for Educational Institutions Sector), Dr. Sadeq Esheraji (Deputy Minister for Scientific Research Sector), Mr. Mohammed Elwade’i (Director of Educational Institutions at the Judicial Custodianship Office), and Dr. Mohammed Elmekhlafi (Secretary General of Private Universities Federation).
The Prime Minister, Minister of Higher Education and other chief guests were received upon arrival by Prof Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor), Prof. Omar Eshuja’ (Dean of Development and Quality Assurance Center), Mr. Ali Ethayfani (Secretary General), and deans of faculties and heads of departments.
The Prime Minister and Minister of Higher Education toured the variable booths of the exhibition which comprised over 20 pharmaceutical products (detergents and cosmetics) made up by the Pharmacy Department’s students, namely the ‘Productive Pharmacist Cohort’ based on empirical studies. Dr. Abdulkareem Ezzumor (FMS Dean), Dr. Wafa Elmath-haji (Head of Pharmacy Department), and the participant students briefed the guests on the exhibition and the local natural raw materials employed to produce the displayed medicines and cosmetics in accordance with international standards.
An opening ceremony was held on the occasion in which Prime Minister addressed the audience noting that the event stands out as a great achievement for Al-Nasser University along with its faculty members and students. He also highlighted the importance of the exhibition which confirms the Yemenis’ strong will and resistance against the aggression and imposed siege for seven years.
He maintained, “Today, we are celebrating a scholarly success that results in pharmaceutical products in spite of the siege and medicine embargo. It is part and parcel of the university’s research work.” He pointed out that the real credit of any university arises from its scientific research, the quality of its outcome, and its positive contribution to the community and labor market. He praised Al-Nasser University’s efforts that made a big academic progress in a short period of time.
For his part, Minister of Higher Education congratulated Faculty of Medical Sciences and its staff on the achieved successes of producing about 20 pharmaceutical medicines and cosmetics as well devoting the proceeds to supporting the cancer and thalassemia patients.
He pointed out, “We, in Higher Education supported by the Rescue Government, could activate two functions of the universities: community service and scientific research. Over 20 scientific conferences were held during the current year in addition to the prolific work and social contributions.” He urged the students to keep up their innovative production by manufacturing the medicines that meet the market demands. He also invited other universities to pay further attention to research and productiveness to help their nation reach self-sufficiency.
For his part, Prof Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor) confirmed that the displayed products were prepared in the FMS’ labs by the ‘Productive Pharmacist’ students under the guidance of faculty members with a good experience in pharmaceuticals, namely Dr. Abdulkareem Ezzumor (FMS Dean) and Dr. Wafa Elmath-haji (Head of Pharmacy Department). The products were made up using local organic and natural materials after being subject to empirical experimentation.
On behalf of the ‘Productive Pharmacist Cohort’ students, Yosuf Eljailani gave a speech in which he expressed their sense of pride over the imprint they could make in their field. The present achievement proves how the pharmacist’s role is practical and their job is much more than buy and sell. They could prove with action that a pharmacist can be productive by virtue of the support and practical orientation of Al-Nasser University as well as the guidance of competent faculty members.
In the conclusion of the event held Al-Nasser’s headquarter, the Chancellor presented commemoration plagues to Prime Minister, Minster of Higher Education, Vice Minister of Higher Education, the exhibition coordinators, and the sponsors in recognition of their active part in the success of the “Productive Pharmacist Exhibition.”
For further details, you can follow the links below:
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