Public Health Students Visit Sewage Treatment Plant
Public Health students have had a scientific visit organized by the University to the Sewage Treatment Plant located at Alrahabah, Sana’a.
On arrival, students were welcomed by the Plant’s Manager, Mr. Farouq Elqadasi, along with the plant’s technician staff.
The visit is part of the training program implemented by the University. It, furthermore, represents the Public Health practical by which students identify the mechanism of sewage treatment works at the plant.
Guided by Dr. Jawad Elwabr, the subject’s instructor, and Mr. Ahmed Mahoub, Director of Research and Training, students got acquainted with the various stages of treatment: importing the raw waste water; processing it first into the physical treatment units and then unto primary and secondary sedimentation basins; and biological treatment units that apply the sludge-catalyst system by means of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria treatment.
Students could also have an idea about bio-fertilizer production process which is based on concentrating or diluting the produced sludge as well as the final basins containing the post-treatment water used for agricultural irrigation.
They also had a look at the plant’s newly-constructed sections including the closed unit of producing Methane gas from anaerobic treatment of sewage. The unit is still under construction.
Such a unit is supposed to provide the plant with the electrical power it needs from the produced Methane.
As their visit came to an end, students expressed their sense of satisfaction at the valuable experience they acquired from closely identifying the mechanism of the sewage treatment plant which certainly enhanced their respective theoretical knowledge.
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