Quiz Show Contest for Pharmacology Juniors
Three student groups entered the Organic Chemistry Quiz organized by Dr Omar El-Shuja’ and Dr Layla El-Obaydi of Pharmacology Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences. Attendees included: Dr Abdulkareem El-Zumor (FMS Dean), Dr Yasser El-Madhaji (Head of Pharmacology) and Dr Layla El-Akhali (Academic Chair at FMS).
After opening with a Quran recitation and the National Anthem, a welcome speech was delivered by Dr Omar in which he thanked the organizers of the contest, the students participating, and the band as well. The event contained a number of songs and poetic and artistic shows.
The contest went through three main episodes. In the first, a student was randomly selected to represent his/her group who will score a point with every correct answer he/she gives immediately. In the second episode, each group asks the others whose answers must be correct and faster to score. In the last episode, Dr Omar asked each group four questions.
Calculating the points, the first group won by scoring the highest. The event was concluded with conferring honour upon both organizers—Dr Omar and Dr Layla—by Pharmacology juniors.
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