Research Methodology Seminar for FMS Senior Students
Inaugurating a three-day training program, a seminar on research methodology has been organized last Saturday by Department of Research and Training, Faculty of Medical Sciences. FMS senior students were targeted by the program that took place at the Grand Hall.
The seminar was sponsored by the College’s Deanship to introduce senior students to the fundamentals of scientific research. They got also acquainted with the methods of study preparation, sample selection, and access to the research data and resources in accordance with the cutting edge academic scholarship.
Among the faculty members participating in the seminar was Dr. Ibtisam El-Mo’ayad who gave a lecture on the importance of this seminar for the final-year students engaged in preparing graduation research projects. She stressed that students must be trained to follow the proper research methods. Likewise, the administration must take part in sharpening up its students’ research competencies so that the produced works would valuably contribute to the national development. She, furthermore, pointed out to the supervisors’ essential role in creating perfect researches since the educational process is complementary and interactive.
Dr. Ibtisam reviewed the various stages and steps undergone by a researcher beginning with selecting a topic, identifying the problem, and preparing a well-organized proposal. She then talked about the various theoretical and practical phases of research that get crowned by submission.
She cast the light on certain mistakes that a researcher must pay heed to such as selecting topics that turn out to be either too difficult to handle or very costly in terms of their material which might lead to an impasse. In addition, duplicating others’ work makes the study too dull to add to the well being of the community while those who work with no specific schedule waste their time uselessly.
She concluded with a number of tips that help the students deal with the problems and difficulties they may face while preparing their research projects and how to overcome them and maintain the quality of their work.
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