Second-semester Final Exams Begin
Sunday, 08 June 2014
Al-Nasser University students have begun the first day of the second-semester final exams which culminate the academic year 2013-2014. By the academic calendar, the exams will go on until June 28.
About 2,300 students sit the exams that are held simultaneously at the colleges of Medical Sciences, Administrative Sciences and Humanities, and Engineering and Computer Sciences.
Mr. Fathi Alokabi, Director of Student Affairs, stated that students are distributed among 25 exam halls. Exams, in addition, are to be held in three periods: the first starts at 8:5 am and ends at 10:5 am; the second starts at 11:00 am and ends at 01:00 pm; and the third starts at 03:00 pm and ends at 05:00 pm.
Mr Alokabi pointed out that these arrangements purposefully provide a congenial atmosphere for examinees.
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