Admin Freshmen-A and Pharma Freshmen Qualified for Semi-finals
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Admin Freshmen-A could beat Pharma Clearing Seniors by 3/2 in the match they played at El-Thawrah Stadium.
Both teams had many misses in the first half till Admin Freshmen could score a goal via a counterattack. The second goal came from a corner kick that was hit by the captain’s head into the opponent’s goal.
Pharma Seniors dominated throughout the second half till they succeeded to give their opponents a tie by scoring a goal. The Admin Freshmen, however, could score the winning goal before the referee called the final whistle.
Admin Sophomore-B played against Pharma Freshmen in the second game that ended with a tragic result for Pharma as they received 9 goals. The Admin team’s first goal, scored in record time, caused their opponent’s morale to collapse and thus they received more goals.
The games’ result qualifies Admin Freshmen-A and Pharma Freshmen for the Semi-finals which will be held at El-Thawrah Stadium next Sunday. Both Admin Sophomore-A and Pharma Sophomore have already qualified for the semi-finals. Supposedly, Al-Nasser league team for the universities tournament will constitute players elected from the four teams participating in the semi-finals.
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