Seminar by Department of Banking at Shamil Bank of Yemen and Bahrain (SBYB)
Sponsored by Al-Nasser University in conjunction with SBYB, a seminar was conducted by Department of Banking, Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences on Thursday, 11.26.2015. The seminar, entitled “Banking Transactions in Islamic Banks,” took place at SBYB’s Training Hall in the presence of Dr Mohammed El-Kuhali, FAFS Dean, and Dr Abdulghani El-Shamrani and with the Department’s students as participants.
Delivering the opening speech, Dr. El-Kuhali thanked the SBYB Management for hosting the seminar. SBYB Deputy Manager, Mr Abbas Nasser, presented a paper on the origin and history of Islamic banking illustrating with many successful well-known banks for examples. Mr Yousif El-Mozaiqer, Director of Commercial Services at SBYB, talked about the channels of banking foreign services. Mr Ghazi El-Shaheri, Deputy Manager of SBYB Main Branch, talked about the banking internal services, whereas Mr Ahmed El-Fadhli, Deputy Manager of Insurance Risks, discussed insurance procedures and customer’s status.
The seminar was concluded with an overview by Mr Ibrahim El-Naqeeb, Manager of Main Branch, on the SBYB’s ambition to offer the best banking services in accordance with the standards of Islamic banking. He, furthermore, answered the questions raised by students over the tackled issues.
The students participating expressed their feelings of satisfaction at the seminar. They, Moreover, appreciated the deanship’s interest in enhancing their practical knowledge.
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