Teams Qualifying for Al-Nasser Cup Semi-finals
Monday, 02 May 2016
The results of the football games organized last Monday in Al-Sha’ab Stadium named the football teams qualifying for Al-Nasser Cup semi-finals. The games were refereed by Salah El-Zuraiqi (a footballer in the National Football League).
On Sunday, Admin Juniors won against Pharma Junior-B in the first match whereas Admin Freshmen won the second game against Pharma Junior-A in penalty shoot-outs. Both winners, thus, qualified for semi-finals.
In Monday games, Admin Sophomore-A won by 8-1 against Civil Engineering in the first whereas the second ended in favor of Pharma Sophomore-A who scored 7-0 against Accounting.
These results qualify the winning teams for Al-Nasser Cup semi-finals, scheduled for next Wednesday.
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