Training Session on Academic and Financial Systems
A training session on the academic and financial systems was held by the University in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharram, Chairman of the Board of Trustees , Ali Yahya Althaivani, the Secretary General, Dr Mohammed Abdullah Ismail, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science , and Dr. Abdulkarim Alzomor, Dean of Medical Sciences College. At the outset, Chairman of the Board of Trustees delivered a speech in which he greeted the participants in the session, emphasizing the attention paid by the University’s administration towards automating its systems and training the staff on using such systems. He also talked about the importance of being qualified enough to run the systems adopted by the university since its inception. Dr. Muharram appreciated the prominent role played and the technical support provided by Mr. Fa’eq Alhamoudi, the engineer in charge of the University’s academic and financial systems.
منتسبي جامعة الناصر ينفذون وقفتين تضامنية مع الشعب الفلسطيني بعنوان ” ثابتون مع غزة.. بهويتنا الإيمانيّة، ومسيرتنا القرآنية
نفذ منتسبو جامعة الناصر وقفتين تضامنية مع الشعب...جامعة الناصر تكرم طلبة الصيدلة المشاركين في معرض المنتج الصيدلاني الرابع
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الأثنين الـ 29 جماد الثاني 1446هـ الموافق 30 دي...نظمت جامعة الناصر اليوم الاثنين 29 / 6 / 1446 هـ ، الموافق 30 / 12 / 2024م ، وقفة تضامنية مع الشعب الفلسطيني تحت عنوان ” ثابتون مع غزة العزة… بلا سقف ولا خطوط حمراء ” .
وفي الوقفة التي أقيمت في مبنى رئاسة الجامعة ، ب...