University Academicians Participated in Writing and Publishing Journal Articles Course

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A number of Alnasser University’s academicians joined  the training session conducted by Innovator Foundation for Training and Consultancy at Comfort Hotel. Organized in partnership with Yemen Ads Foundation, the session  is titled “Mechanisms  of Writing and Publishing Scientific Articles.” Dr. Mohammed Abdo Khaled, an expert in the field of scientific research publishing, instructs trainees for three days from  March 25 to March 27, 2014. The participants from Alnasser University include Dr. Muhammad Shawky Nasser Abdullah, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Editor of  Alnasser University Journal, Dr. Muhammed Abdullah Alkuhali, Dean of Administrative and Financial Sciences College, Dr. Muhammad Alghazali,  Head of Pharmacy Department and Mr. Mukhtar Alssurori, Director of APTECH Centre.

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