University Distributed First Aid Kits to 9 Schools
Al-Nasser University gave out first aid kits to nine of Sana’a secondary schools on Tuesday. The campaign, that covered the schools at Elsoninah area, took place in association with All Girls Foundation in order to improve the schools’ health and educational activities.
Each distributed kit is a flat wall box made of aluminium that contains a range of first aid medicines to meet school emergencies. Dr Abdulraqeeb El-Hamami, Head of Nursing Department, stated that such a step confirms the University’s contribution to community wellbeing, pointing out that public schools either lack first aid medication or make no good use of it.
In the same context, All Girls Foundation handed out to the same schools LCD wireless monitors supporting Android system to facilitate projecting educational and scientific videos. Ms Aziza El-Hababi thanked Al-Nasser University and All Girls Foundation for their active contribution to community development. She pointed out how such an initiative is very important for the schools located on the Capital’s outskirts which suffer from a shortage in education and medical tools due to falling beyond the initiatives’ reach.
Al-Nasser University was represented in the campaign by Dr Abdulraqeeb El-Hamami, Head of Nursing Department, and Ms Hana’a El-Bousi, the Secretary whereas the Foundation by the Director, Ms Entisar El-Adhi and a number of staff members. The government was represented by Mr Mujib El-Fatish, Director of the Office of Social Affairs and Labour, Sana’a; Ms Aziza El-Hababi, Coordinator of Education at Emergencies Dept, Ministry of Education; and Ms Ashwaq Sallam from Girl Education and Social Involvement Office at Ma’een District. The schools targeted are: El-Qumayah, El-Risalah, El-Rahmah, Badr, Radfan, Khayr Allah, Jafar El-Tayar, Musa Ben Naseer, and Unification Martyrs.
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