University Football League Tournament Kicks off
In the presence of the Rector and the Sport Executive, Dr Essam El-Marwa’ei, Al-Nasser football league kicked off in El-Thawrah Stadium last Wednesday.
The rector delivered a welcome speech in which he stressed the importance of sport activities for students noting that “a healthy body signifies a healthy mind.” He confirmed that the University will continue its support for students’ various activities. He praised the students’ enthusiastic participation in the football league and promised to reward the brilliant students in the sporting as well as scientific fields. He gave directions that all football matches must always start at 7 am to ensure the uninterrupted progress of classes.
The Sport Executive, Dr Essam El-Marwa’ei, highly appreciated the interest Al-Nasser takes in sports and valued the students’ active involvement.
Sixteen football teams participate in the tournament all of which compete for the league trophy. The tournament kicked off with two opening games. In the first, the Pharmacology Sophomore team played against Information Systems team. The game that was filled with a great zest ended with the victory of Pharm. Sophomore by 6-0. Both Nassr El-Qudami and Ghamdan Muharram starred throughout the game. In the second match, the team of Administration Sophomore—Group A—played against Lab Seniors (morning-class) team. The game’s first half ended in a goalless draw as both teams failed to score having instead many misses.
In the second half, the Admin Sophomore team (a runner-up in last year league championship) scored its first goal by Ahmed Rashid. The same team overpowered the rival throughout the second half of the game to finally win by 5-0. The game’s star players are Ahmad Rashid who scored a hat trick and Abdullah Barakat of Lab team. Based on the coach’s assessment, a group of eminent players were selected from the four teams to join the University team’s training camp. The team is to represent Al-Nasser at the forthcoming Universities Football League.
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