University Launched Thalassemia-Patient Blood Donation Campaign
The “blood donation for thalassemia patients” campaign has been launched by Al-Nasser University in association with Youth Vision Initiative, Sana’a.
Participants in the campaign include: National Foundation for Leukemia Control, Center for Cancer Blood Transfusion and Research, Thalassemia Association, and the Board of 48 Hospital.
Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharram, the CBT, stated that the campaign would contribute to saving the lives of many patients, pointing out that the University along with its students never save an effort to serve community. He valued the students’ continuous participation in such humanitarian activities.
For his part, Dr. Mohammed El-Ghazali, Head of the Pharmacology Department, emphasized that the University seeks by organizing such a campaign to save as many thalassemia patients as possible. He highlighted the fact that the process of blood donation reduces the risk of cancer on the part of donors.
Dr. El-Ghazali called for the establishment of a forum that would bring together all concerned associations, hospitals and centers. The proposed forum would help conduct country-wide blood donation and transfusion campaigns and thus ensure national blood reserves.
Mr. Jameel El-Khayati, Director of Thalassemia Association, clarified how a thalassemia patient must have blood transfusion once every three months at least due to the present lack of medications.
He pointed out that the Association provides care to over 3500 patients in addition to about 1050 cases across Alhodeidah Province.
Child Abdulwahab, a thalassemia patient, gave a speech in which he appealed to students and attendees to donate blood to patients.
The blood is collected from donors at 48 Hospital during the three-day campaign from Sunday 28-12-2014 to Tuesday 30-12-2014.
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