University Sponsors Celebration Honoring Quran Hafizes
Thursday, 17 July 2014
Al-Nasser University has sponsored a celebration at Alfateh Centre for Quran Learning that is situated in the University’s neighborhood. The event was organized to award Quran Hafizes graduating from the Centre who could learn the whole Quran by heart.
The Centre’s Director, Sheikh Abdurrahman Almadhloom, delivered a speech in which he congratulated the graduates on the honor of completing such a sublime mission (memorizing Quran) during the sacred month of Ramadhan. He, moreover, urged the other students to work heard towards learning the Holy Quran so that they become bearers of enlightenment to their communities. They ought to be always guided by the Quranic Studies and Islamic doctrines they learn in the Centre.
Sheikh Almadhloom asked parents to get their children enrolled in the Centre during Summer vacation provided that admission is still open.
He appreciated Al-Nasser University’s generous sponsorship of the celebration stating: “Al-Nasser University has always been known for being a pioneer in the community service. It never fails to share in the people’s happy and sad situations, in addition to organising charity functions throughout the year and helping people learn Quran.”
The University was represented to the event by Mr. Fu’ad Alduba’ei who attended along with Sheikh Almadhloom, a number of parents, and the Centre’s students.
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