Wathba Introductory Lecture for Applicants to Private-sector Apprenticeship
Saturday, 08 November 2014
An introductory lecture on the “apprenticeship” placement was organized by the University on Wednesday 5-11-2014. The lecture was delivered at Faculty of Administrative Sciences by Arwa Jobah and Dr. Nabeelah, both consultants at Wathba.
The apprenticeship program offered by Wathbah aims to link 400 students—males and females— graduating from universities and vocational institutes to the private sector. 50% of the apprentices’ wages are to be paid for six-month period as minimum.
The consultants gave a detailed explanation to the students coming from different levels on the apprenticeship program executed by Wathba and co-sponsored by the Social Development Fund and the World Bank.
They emphasized the importance of taking advantage of the program that contributes to raising the personal and professional capabilities of the admitted applicants and provides the training and placement of the newly-employed using the technological means required by the private sector.
They also gave video presentations of previous success stories achieved by a group of young beneficiaries of the project and who are currently working at a number of enterprises and companies.
Mr. Adam Altherhani cited as an example the story of the University’s success winning the grant of Business Development Plans. He confirmed the honest and feasible mechanism through which grants are won. He, besides, thanked the consultants and officials in charge of the program.
It is noteworthy that the University is a winner of the Business Development Plans Grant offered by Wathba Project.
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