Workshop on Al-Nasser’s Developed Administrative & Financial Systems
Under the auspices of Al-Nasser University’s board, a workshop was organized by I T Unit in collaboration with Human Resources and Accounting offices that meant to introduce the developed administrative and financial system of the University. The workshop was held at Al-Nasser’s headquarter in the presence of the Chancellor, Prof. Abdullah Tahish, on Saturday and Sunday, Feb 10-11, 2018.
The workshop aimed at acquainting the staff with the recent updates made to the University’s administrative and financial systems to ensure their efficiency when applied in the different offices.
According to the Chancellor, the University is keen to have a complete working system by which all academic, administrative, and financial departments are complementarily run. The added updates are meant to support the quality and speed of work achievement through facilitating its mechanism amid the various offices.
The Workshop dealt with the ERP Solutions that comprised many programs assuring the integrated connection of the institution’s job network including the financial, administrative, and specialist sections as well as trading, manufacturing, and service activities.
Speakers in the workshop were: Anwar Adam (Director of IT Unit), Murshid Al-Aghberi (Director of Human Resources Department), Munther El-Sabri (Director of Accounting Office), and Mohammed El-Fatih (the Human Resources officer).
Participants in the workshop included: Dr. Abdulkareem El-Zumor (FMS Dean), Dr. Mohammed El-Kuhali (FAFS Dean), Dr. Mohammed Shawqi (Dean of Humanities), heads of departments, staff members, and the concerned officials.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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