Workshop on Clinical Specimen Management at FMS
Sunday, 21 December 2014
A workshop on the management of clinical specimens has been organized at Faculty of Medical Sciences.
Conducted in association with American Microbiological Association (AMA), the workshop aimed to give Medical Science students as well as faculty members the necessary training on how to collect, handle, and store the microbiological specimens.
Two lectures were delivered during the workshop in both English and Arabic. They chiefly focused on how to decrease the scientific errors associated with the specimen examination and how to avoid the infection risks as well.
According to Dr, Naji Elhaj, a member of AMA in Yemen, the Association has offered free membership to Yemeni students and doctors in addition to the establishment of four microbiological centers at Sana’a, Aden, Taiz, and Thamar universities. It plans also to establish two more at Ibb and Alhudaidah universities and expand the scope of its activities to include private universities starting with Al-Nasser University.
In turn, Dr. Hakimah Elhabob, AMA’s Youth Ambassador to Yemen, urged students to take advantage of the AMA’s services represented by the provincial centers that have many special modern experimentation devices in the field of microbiology in addition to over 400 academic researches and studies.
She, furthermore, pointed out to the importance of making use of the AMA’s scientific journals and websites all over the world and the possibility of publishing papers for membership holders. AMA, besides, grants air tickets and stipends to researchers wishing to participate in international conferences.
For his part, Dr. Abdulkarim Elzumor, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, thanked AMA for initiating collaboration with private universities so that students and faculty members can benefit from the services it provides.
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