Making the Most of Your Undergraduate Degree Programs Research
Nora Al Baghdadi
In the competitive world that we live in, I am quite aware of the importance of having a graduate degree that helps one to acquire all the necessary skills that one needs to survive in the brutal world of unemployment. I have to agree that some of the importance I realized was due to the lecturing my mom made me hear. She kept on encouraging and convincing me about the importance of making the right career decisions of which choosing the right program from the list of undergraduate degree programs is one of the most crucial. I knew I had to be careful and sure about what it is that I want to do in my life. My mother even helped me understand the importance of making mistakes. Though you cannot turn back time, but you can always take a positive approach to solve the problem or even make it catapult you into something greater.
Armed with passing out high school I decided to do some initial research into my field of interest. Pharmacology was the course that I chose to pursue for my graduation. No matter how peculiar it may sound, I knew there was a wide scope for pharmacologist. Many people confuse it with pharmacy but they cannot be further from the truth. Pharmacology contains joined undergraduate programs between the faculty of arts and science and the faculty of Medicine while pharmacy while the pharmacy degree comes as a joint program between the faculty of Arts and Science and the faculty of Pharmacy. After some research, I decided to look for a university that provided a comprehensive pharmacology syllabus for pursuing Bachelor of Pharmacology.
I finally rounded off a few colleges one of which was of Yemen. I was surprised to see that they stressed all the important points in their program description. What was important for degrees like Pharmacology was a practical approach. This was a field that could help you be part of the scientific research community that undertakes intensive research for the development in medicine. The university outlined a study structure that included all the important aspects of training students in the science of medicine.
I was glad to note that they had all the required amenities on campus with state of the Art quality. With laboratories and tie-ups with clinic, I had a positive feeling about choosing this university. Universities in the Middle East are rapidly becoming known for their quality higher education and Yemen was at the forefront of this development. I scoured their website for all the information I could find about the academic and admission processes and fee structures. They had an online portal for students to make inquiries and even get information related to any of the degree programs they offered such as Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Medical Laboratory and many more. I am really looking forward to my impending campus tour to complete my deciding making process. If you are confused on which course to pursue, consult a counsellor and make a wise choice.
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صنعاء 20 شعبان 1446 هجرية الموافق 18 فبراير 202...